Movies like Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings with Ami Dolenz, Andrew Robinson, J. Trevor Edmond & Soleil Moon Frye & created by Jeff Burr?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings?

Thrill-seeking teenagers resurrect a demon from his grave and a bloody rampage for revenge begins.

TAGLINE: "They couldn't leave dead enough alone."

Its release date is Wednesday March 16, 1994

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Demons, Revenge, Suicide & Witchcraft
Genre Horror
Country The United States
Director Jeff Burr
Starring Ami Dolenz, Andrew Robinson, J. Trevor Edmond & Soleil Moon Frye
Time 1957
Location Los Angeles
Written by Andrew Osborne (additional dialogue), Constantine Chachornia & Ivan Chachornia
Cinematography Bill Dill & Bojan Bazelli
Music Jimmy Manzie & Richard Stone (composer)
Runtime 88 min

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