Movies like Quarantine to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Quarantine with Jay Hernandez, Jennifer Carpenter, Johnathon Schaech & Steve Harris & created by John Erick Dowdle?

Movies like Quarantine with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Quarantine?

A television reporter and her cameraman are trapped inside a building quarantined by the CDC, after the outbreak of a mysterious virus which turns humans into bloodthirsty killers.

TAGLINE: "Contain The Truth."

Its release date is Friday October 10, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Firefighting, Found Footage, Quarantine, Remake, Tv Reporter, Viral Outbreaks & Virus
Genre Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country The United States
Director John Erick Dowdle
Starring Jay Hernandez, Jennifer Carpenter, Johnathon Schaech & Steve Harris
Place Los Angeles
Time 2008
Location Los Angeles
Written by Drew Dowdle (screenplay by), Jaume Balagueró (based on the motion picture "Rec" written by), John Erick Dowdle (screenplay by), Luiso Berdejo (based on the motion picture "Rec" written by) & Paco Plaza (based on the motion picture "Rec" written by)
Cinematography Ken Seng
Runtime 89 min

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As Above, So Below | Aug 14th, 2014

As Above, So Below
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