Movies like Quem Vai Ficar com Mário? to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Quem Vai Ficar com Mário? with Daniel Rocha, Felipe Abib, Letícia Lima & Zé Victor Castiel & created by Hsu Chien Hsin?

Movies like Quem Vai Ficar com Mário? with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Quem Vai Ficar com Mário??

Mario decides to tell his family the truth about himself. But when he is finally ready to come out in front of the entire family, his older brother Vicente ruins his plans.
Its release date is Thursday June 10, 2021

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Gay Culture
Genre Comedy
Country Brazil
Director Hsu Chien Hsin
Starring Daniel Rocha, Felipe Abib, Letícia Lima & Zé Victor Castiel
Written by Laura Malin, Rafael Campos Rocha & Stela Freitas
Runtime 111 min