Movies like Red Heat to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Crime movie Red Heat with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ed O'Ross, Jim Belushi & Peter Boyle & created by Walter Hill?

Movies like Red Heat with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Red Heat?

A tough Russian policeman is forced to partner up with a cocky Chicago police detective when he is sent to Chicago to apprehend a Georgian drug lord who killed his partner and fled the country.

TAGLINE: "Moscow's toughest detective. Chicago's craziest cop. There's only one thing worse than making them mad. Making them partners."

Its release date is Friday June 17, 1988

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cold War, Cold War Popular Culture, Drug Cartel, Drug Dealer, Drugs, Investigation, Police, Police Brutality, Russia, Russian Mafia & Usa
Genre Action & Crime
Country The United States
Director Walter Hill
Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ed O'Ross, Jim Belushi & Peter Boyle
Place Budapest, Chicago, Moscow & Soviet Union
Written by Harry Kleiner (screenplay), Troy Kennedy-Martin (screenplay), Walter Hill (screenplay) & Walter Hill (story)
Cinematography Matthew F. Leonetti
Music James Horner
Runtime 104 min

Other Action movies by Walter Hill

Bullet to the Head | Jan 31st, 2013

Bullet to the Head
5.7/10 | By Walter Hill
Switzerland & The United States | Action, Crime & Thriller
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48 Hrs. | Dec 7th, 1982

48 Hrs.
6.9/10 | By Walter Hill
The United States | Action, Comedy & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Tubi TV Starz

Other Action movies written by Harry Kleiner (screenplay)

Bullitt | Oct 17th, 1968

7.5/10 | By Peter Yates
The United States | Action, Crime & Drama
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