Movies like Renegades to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Thriller movie Renegades with Diarmaid Murtagh, J.K. Simmons, Sullivan Stapleton & Sylvia Hoeks & created by Steven Quale?

Movies like Renegades with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Renegades?

A team of Navy SEALs discover an underwater treasure in a Bosnian lake.

TAGLINE: "5 Navy SEALs. $300 million in gold. 1 incredible mission."

Its release date is Friday September 1, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Mystery, Navy, Navy Seal, Serbia, Treasure & United States Navy SEALs
Genre Action & Thriller
Country Germany
Director Steven Quale
Starring Diarmaid Murtagh, J.K. Simmons, Sullivan Stapleton & Sylvia Hoeks
Place Bosnia Herzegovina & Serbia
Written by Luc Besson & Richard Wenk
Cinematography Brian Pearson
Music Éric Serra
Runtime 106 min

Other Action movies written by Luc Besson

La Femme Nikita | Feb 21st, 1990

La Femme Nikita
7.4/10 | By Luc Besson
France & Italy | Action & Thriller
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The Transporter | Oct 2nd, 2002

The Transporter
6.8/10 | By Corey Yuen, Louis Leterrier & Louis Leterrier, Corey Yuen
France & The United States | Action, Crime & Thriller
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