Movies like Repulsion to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Horror & Thriller movie Repulsion with Catherine Deneuve, Ian Hendry, John Fraser & Yvonne Furneaux & created by Roman Polanski?

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A sex-repulsed woman who disapproves of her sister's boyfriend sinks into depression and has horrific visions of rape and violence.

TAGLINE: "The nightmare world of a virgin's dreams becomes the screen's shocking reality!"

Its release date is Tuesday June 1, 1965

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Hallucination, London England, Loneliness, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychosis, Rent & Schizophrenia
Genre Drama, Horror & Thriller
Country United Kingdom
Director Roman Polanski
Starring Catherine Deneuve, Ian Hendry, John Fraser & Yvonne Furneaux
Place London
Location London
Written by David Stone (adaptation), Gérard Brach (original screenplay) & Roman Polanski (original screenplay)
Cinematography Gilbert Taylor
Music Chico Hamilton
Runtime 105 min

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