Watch Monolith online

Can you stream the Mystery, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Monolith, directed by Matt Vesely & starring Ansuya Nathan, Erik Thomson, Lily Sullivan & Ling Cooper Tang on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Monolith

A headstrong journalist whose investigative podcast uncovers a strange artifact, an alien conspiracy, and the lies at the heart of her own story.

TAGLINE: "All you have to do is listen."

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Its release date is Thursday October 26, 2023

Production details

Director Matt Vesely
Cast Ansuya Nathan, Erik Thomson, Lily Sullivan & Ling Cooper Tang
Genre Mystery, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin Australia
Release date 2023-10-26
Theme Alien Conspiracy, Journalist, Podcast & Suspenseful
Script Lucy Campbell
Box Office Revenue $12,480
Runtime 94 min
Homepage Monolith Homepage


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