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What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Mystery & Thriller movie Resolution with Bill Oberst Jr., Peter Cilella, Vinny Curran & Zahn McClarnon & created by Aaron Moorhead & Justin Benson?
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A man imprisons his estranged junkie friend in an isolated cabin in the boonies San Diego to force him through a week of sobriety, but the events of that week are being mysteriously manipulated.
Its release date is Friday April 20, 2012
Its release date is Friday April 20, 2012
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Cabin, Cave, Drugs, Fire, Friendship, Handcuffed, Mirror & Native American Reservation |
Genre | Horror, Mystery & Thriller |
Country | The United States |
Director | Aaron Moorhead & Justin Benson |
Starring | Bill Oberst Jr., Peter Cilella, Vinny Curran & Zahn McClarnon |
Location | San Diego |
Written by | Justin Benson |
Cinematography | Aaron Scott Moorhead |
Runtime | 93 min |