Movies like Rose to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Rose with Cindy Pickett, Cybill Shepherd, James Brolin & Pam Grier & created by Rod McCall?

Movies like Rose with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rose?

A widowed ex-cop discovers that she may have a life threatening illness, and decides to go on a solo road trip in a motorized wheelchair to explore the beauty of the Southwest. On her journey, Rose discovers more than just the simple beauty of New Mexico when she meets -- and falls in love with -- Max, an old cowboy who comes to a crossroads of his own. Sometimes love takes the backroads.

TAGLINE: "Sometimes love takes the backroads."

Its release date is Thursday November 9, 2017

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Director Rod McCall
Starring Cindy Pickett, Cybill Shepherd, James Brolin & Pam Grier
Written by Rod McCall
Runtime 89 min