Movies like Sabrina to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Sabrina with Angie Dickinson, Greg Kinnear, Harrison Ford & Julia Ormond & created by Sydney Pollack?

Movies like Sabrina with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sabrina?

An ugly duckling having undergone a remarkable change, still harbors feelings for her crush: a carefree playboy, but not before his business-focused brother has something to say about it.

TAGLINE: "You are cordially invited to the most surprising merger of the year."

Its release date is Friday December 15, 1995

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Chauffeur, Fusion, Long Island, Millionaire, Paris & Sibling Relationship
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country Germany & The United States
Director Sydney Pollack
Starring Angie Dickinson, Greg Kinnear, Harrison Ford & Julia Ormond
Place Long Island, New York City & Paris
Location Massachusetts, New York (state), New York City & Paris
Written by Barbara Benedek (screenplay), Billy Wilder (earlier screenplay), David Rayfiel (screenplay), Ernest Lehman (earlier screenplay), Samuel A. Taylor (earlier screenplay) & Samuel A. Taylor (play)
Cinematography Giuseppe Rotunno
Music John Williams
Runtime 127 min

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Castle Keep | Jul 23rd, 1969

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6.2/10 | By Sydney Pollack
United States of America | Comedy, Drama & War
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