Movies like Saw to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Horror & Thriller movie Saw with Dean Francis, Katrina Mathers, Leigh Whannell & Paul Moder & created by James Wan?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Saw?
David, an orderly at a hospital, tells his horrific story of being kidnapped and forced to play a vile game of survival.
Its release date is Wednesday January 1, 2003
Its release date is Wednesday January 1, 2003
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Hospital, Kidnapping, Paralysis, Short & Torture |
Genre | Crime, Horror & Thriller |
Country | Australia |
Director | James Wan |
Starring | Dean Francis, Katrina Mathers, Leigh Whannell & Paul Moder |
Written by | Leigh Whannell |
Cinematography | Martin Smith |
Runtime | 9 min |