Movies like Sekaiichi Hatsukoi: Propose-hen to stream online

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi: Propose-hen?

When Ritsu Onodera changes jobs, looking for a fresh start, he's not exactly thrilled when his new boss turns out to be his old flame. Ritsu's determined to leave all that in the past—but how can he when his boss is just as determined that they have a future? Tired of accusations that family connections got him his current position, Ritsu Onodera quits his job as an editor at his father's company and transfers to Marukawa Publishing. Once there, he is assigned to the shojo manga editorial department—something he has no interest in and no experience with! Having sworn he'd never fall in love again, the last thing he wants to do is work on love stories. To make matters worse, it turns out that his overbearing boss, Masamune Takano, is actually his first love from high school!
Its release date is Friday February 21, 2020

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