Movies like Sex, Drugs & Taxation to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Sex, Drugs & Taxation with Jacob Højlev Jørgensen, Jesper Christensen, Nicolas Bro & Pilou Asbæk & created by Christoffer Boe?

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Based on true events, two notorious and provocative figures of modern Danish history, Spies and Glistrup, provide a radical view on liberty through money, sex and drugs.
Its release date is Thursday August 29, 2013

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Topic Based On A True Story, Based On True Story & Biography
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country Denmark
Director Christoffer Boe
Starring Jacob Højlev Jørgensen, Jesper Christensen, Nicolas Bro & Pilou Asbæk
Written by Christoffer Boe & Simon Pasternak
Runtime 110 min