Movies like Side Effects to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Thriller movie Side Effects with Catherine Zeta-Jones, Channing Tatum, Jude Law & Rooney Mara & created by Steven Soderbergh?

Movies like Side Effects with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Side Effects?

A young woman's world unravels when a drug prescribed by her psychiatrist has unexpected side effects.

TAGLINE: "One pill can change your life."

Its release date is Thursday February 7, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cover-up, Depression, Drug, Drugs, Fraud, Murder, Prescription Medication, Professional Reputation & Psychopaths
Genre Crime, Drama & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Steven Soderbergh
Starring Catherine Zeta-Jones, Channing Tatum, Jude Law & Rooney Mara
Place Connecticut, New York City & Psychiatric Hospitals
Location New York City
Written by Scott Z. Burns
Cinematography Steven Soderbergh
Music Javier Navarrete & Thomas Newman
Runtime 106 min

Other Crime movies by Steven Soderbergh

Out of Sight | Jun 26th, 1998

Out of Sight
7.0/10 | By Steven Soderbergh
The United States | Comedy, Crime & Romance
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Traffic | Dec 27th, 2000

7.6/10 | By Steven Soderbergh
Germany & The United States | Crime, Drama & Thriller
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Ocean’s Thirteen | Jun 7th, 2007

Ocean’s Thirteen
6.9/10 | By Steven Soderbergh
The United States | Crime & Thriller
Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation