Movies like Sono tornato to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Sono tornato with Frank Matano, Guglielmo Favilla, Massimo Popolizio & Stefania Rocca & created by Luca Miniero?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sono tornato?

Mussolini reappears in Rome 72 years after his death, finding a Country still full of problems like racism and hate for politicians. Misguised for an actor, he sides with a young filmmaker and starts traveling along Italy to reconquer it.
Its release date is Thursday February 1, 2018

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Genre Comedy
Country Italy
Director Luca Miniero
Starring Frank Matano, Guglielmo Favilla, Massimo Popolizio & Stefania Rocca
Written by Luca Miniero & Nicola Guaglianone
Runtime N/A