Movies like Stoker to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Horror & Thriller movie Stoker with Dermot Mulroney, Matthew Goode, Mia Wasikowska & Nicole Kidman & created by Chan-wook Park?

Movies like Stoker with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Stoker?

After India's father dies, her Uncle Charlie, whom she never knew existed, comes to live with her and her unstable mother. She comes to suspect this mysterious, charming man has ulterior motives and becomes increasingly infatuated with him.

TAGLINE: "Innocence Ends."

Its release date is Thursday February 28, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Brothers, Death & Grieving, Dysfunctional Families, Incest, Mystery, Psychopaths & Widowhood
Genre Drama, Horror & Thriller
Country South Korea & The United States
Director Chan-wook Park
Starring Dermot Mulroney, Matthew Goode, Mia Wasikowska & Nicole Kidman
Place Connecticut & Psychiatric Hospitals
Location Tennessee
Written by Wentworth Miller
Cinematography Chung hoon Chung
Music Clint Mansell
Runtime 99 min

Other Drama movies by Chan-wook Park

Joint Security Area | Sep 9th, 2000

Joint Security Area
7.9/10 | By Chan-wook Park & Park Chan wook
South Korea | Drama, Thriller & War
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Tubi TV

Night Fishing | Jan 27th, 2011

Night Fishing
6.5/10 | By Chan-kyong Park & Chan-wook Park
South Korea | Drama
Google Play Vudu YouTube iTunes Playstation

Other Drama movies written by Wentworth Miller