Movies like Stonewall Forever to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Stonewall Forever with Judy Bowen, Martin Boyce, Merrie Cherry & Zackary Drucker?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Stonewall Forever?

The history of the Stonewall Riots is equally as cherished as it is charged. There are questions of who was there, who "threw the first brick" and who can claim Stonewall. This film doesn’t answer these questions but instead it aims to expand the story of Stonewall by including more voices in its telling by bringing together voices from over 50 years of LGBTQ activism to explore the ongoing legacy of Stonewall.

TAGLINE: "A documentary about the past, present and future of pride"

Its release date is Friday June 28, 2019

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Genre Documentary
Country United States of America
Starring Judy Bowen, Martin Boyce, Merrie Cherry & Zackary Drucker