Movies like Suspiria to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Mystery & Thriller movie Suspiria with Flavio Bucci, Jessica Harper, Miguel Bosé & Stefania Casini & created by Dario Argento?

Movies like Suspiria with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Suspiria?

An American newcomer to a prestigious German ballet academy comes to realize that the school is a front for something sinister amid a series of grisly murders.

TAGLINE: "The Most Frightening Film You'll Ever See!"

Its release date is Tuesday February 1, 1977

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic ballet, Boarding School, Cult Favorite, Germany, Gothic, Whodunit, Witch, Witchcraft & Young Woman
Genre Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Country Italy
Director Dario Argento
Starring Flavio Bucci, Jessica Harper, Miguel Bosé & Stefania Casini
Place Germany
Location Germany & Rome
Written by Daria Nicolodi (screenplay) & Dario Argento (screenplay)
Cinematography Luciano Tovoli
Music Goblin (band)
Runtime 92 min

Other Horror movies by Dario Argento

Inferno | Feb 7th, 1980

6.6/10 | By Dario Argento
Italy | Horror & Thriller
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Tenebre | Oct 28th, 1982

7.1/10 | By Dario Argento
Italy | Horror, Mystery & Thriller

Two Evil Eyes | Jan 25th, 1990

Two Evil Eyes
6.1/10 | By Dario Argento & George A. Romero
Italy & The United States | Horror & Thriller
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