Movies like Tarantula to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Tarantula with John Agar, Leo G. Carroll, Mara Corday & Nestor Paiva & created by Jack Arnold?

Movies like Tarantula with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tarantula?

A spider escapes from an isolated Arizona desert laboratory experimenting in giantism and grows to tremendous size as it wreaks havoc on the local inhabitants.

TAGLINE: "More terrifying than any horror known to man comes a creeping crawling monster whose towering fury no one can escape!"

Its release date is Wednesday March 23, 1955

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Deformation, Desert, Experiment, Fiction Size Change, Giant Monster, Giant Spider, Laboratory, Monster, Scientist & Spiders
Genre Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director Jack Arnold
Starring John Agar, Leo G. Carroll, Mara Corday & Nestor Paiva
Written by Jack Arnold (story), Martin Berkeley (screenplay), Robert M. Fresco (screenplay) & Robert M. Fresco (story)
Runtime 80 min

Other Horror movies by Jack Arnold

Revenge of the Creature | May 13th, 1955

Revenge of the Creature
5.7/10 | By Jack Arnold
United States of America | Horror & Science Fiction
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