Movies like Thank You, Mr. Moto to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Mystery & Thriller movie Thank You, Mr. Moto with Jayne Regan, Pauline Frederick, Peter Lorre & Thomas Beck & created by Norman Foster & Norman Foster (director)?

Movies like Thank You, Mr. Moto with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Thank You, Mr. Moto?

Seven maps, when found and put together, reveal the location of the treasures of Genghis Khan.
Its release date is Friday December 24, 1937

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Mr. Moto & Radio Series
Genre Crime, Mystery & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Norman Foster & Norman Foster (director)
Starring Jayne Regan, Pauline Frederick, Peter Lorre & Thomas Beck
Place Mongolia
Written by John P. Marquand (based on a story by), Norman Foster (screen play) & Wyllis Cooper (screen play)
Cinematography Virgil Miller
Music Samuel Kaylin
Runtime 67 min

Other Crime movies by Norman Foster

Think Fast, Mr. Moto | Jul 27th, 1937

Think Fast, Mr. Moto
6.9/10 | By Norman Foster
The United States | Crime, Mystery & Thriller
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video

Charlie Chan in Panama | Mar 1st, 1940

Charlie Chan in Panama
7.7/10 | By Norman Foster
The United States | Crime, Drama & Thriller
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Mysterious Mr. Moto | Oct 14th, 1938

Mysterious Mr. Moto
7.0/10 | By Norman Foster
The United States | Crime, Mystery & Thriller
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Other Crime movies written by John P. Marquand (based on a story by)

Think Fast, Mr. Moto | Jul 27th, 1937

Think Fast, Mr. Moto
6.9/10 | By Norman Foster
The United States | Crime, Mystery & Thriller
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video