Movies like The Ambushers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Comedy movie The Ambushers with Dean Martin, Janice Rule, Kurt Kasznar & Senta Berger & created by Henry Levin?

Movies like The Ambushers with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Ambushers?

Secret agent Matt Helm must battle foreign spies and a rogue nation's exiled ruler in order to recover a hijacked U.S. government experimental flying saucer.

TAGLINE: "Matt Helm rides again! ...with the Ambushers on his back, and some fun on the side!"

Its release date is Friday December 22, 1967

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Matt Helm & Spy
Genre Action & Comedy
Country The United States
Director Henry Levin
Starring Dean Martin, Janice Rule, Kurt Kasznar & Senta Berger
Place Mexico
Location Mexico
Written by Donald Hamilton (book) & Herbert Baker (screenplay)
Cinematography ASC & Burnett Guffey
Music Hugo Montenegro
Runtime 102 min

Other Action movies by Henry Levin

Murderers’ Row | Dec 20th, 1966

Murderers’ Row
6.1/10 | By Henry Levin
The United States | Action, Adventure & Drama
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