Movies like The Art of War II: Betrayal to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Thriller movie The Art of War II: Betrayal with Athena Karkanis, Lochlyn Munro, Wesley Snipes & Winston Rekert & created by Josef Rusnak?

Movies like The Art of War II: Betrayal with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Art of War II: Betrayal?

Agent Neil Shaw is called out of retirement and finds himself in the midst of a plot to assassinate several leading Senators with himself set-up to take the rap for a recent killing.

TAGLINE: "He's Back... And He Wants Revenge"

Its release date is Tuesday August 12, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic American Revenge & Canadian Revenge
Genre Action & Thriller
Country Canada
Director Josef Rusnak
Starring Athena Karkanis, Lochlyn Munro, Wesley Snipes & Winston Rekert
Place British Columbia
Location Vancouver
Written by Jason Bourque (screenplay) & Keith Shaw (screenplay)
Runtime 103 min