Movies like The Assignment to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Thriller movie The Assignment with Caitlin Gerard, Michelle Rodriguez, Sigourney Weaver & Tony Shalhoub & created by Walter Hill & Walter Hill (director)?

Movies like The Assignment with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Assignment?

After waking up and discovering that he has undergone gender reassignment surgery, an assassin seeks to find the doctor responsible.

TAGLINE: "One job changed it all."

Its release date is Wednesday April 27, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Assassin, Gangster, Revenge, Rogue Surgeon, Sex Change & Transgenders
Genre Action, Crime & Thriller
Country Canada & France
Director Walter Hill & Walter Hill (director)
Starring Caitlin Gerard, Michelle Rodriguez, Sigourney Weaver & Tony Shalhoub
Location Vancouver
Written by Denis Hamill (screenplay), Denis Hamill (story), Walter Hill (screenplay) & Walter Hill (story)
Cinematography James Liston
Music Ry Cooder
Runtime 95 min

Other Action movies by Walter Hill

Undisputed | Aug 23rd, 2002

6.2/10 | By Walter Hill & Walter Hill (director)
The United States | Action, Adventure & Drama
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Wild Bill | Dec 1st, 1995

Wild Bill
5.9/10 | By Walter Hill
Action & Western
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Bullet to the Head | Jan 31st, 2013

Bullet to the Head
5.7/10 | By Walter Hill
Switzerland & The United States | Action, Crime & Thriller
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