Movies like The Body to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Mystery & Thriller movie The Body with Aura Garrido, Belén Rueda, Hugo Silva & José Coronado & created by Oriol Paulo & Philip Kaufman?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Body?

A detective searches for the body of a femme fatale which has gone missing from a morgue.

TAGLINE: "Death is not always the end"

Its release date is Thursday October 4, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alien Invasions, Detective, Extraterrestrial Life, Femme Fatale, Identity, Infidelity, Love, Poison, Prison & Sex
Genre Mystery & Thriller
Country Spain
Director Oriol Paulo & Philip Kaufman
Starring Aura Garrido, Belén Rueda, Hugo Silva & José Coronado
Place San Francisco & San Francisco Bay Area
Location San Francisco
Written by Jack Finney (novel), Lara Sendim (screenplay), Oriol Paulo (screenplay) & W.D. Richter (screenplay)
Cinematography Michael Chapman (cinematographer)
Music Denny Zeitlin
Runtime 108 min

Other Mystery movies by Oriol Paulo

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The Invisible Guest
8.1/10 | By Oriol Paulo
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Netflix Amazon Video Google Play YouTube iTunes

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