Movies like The Concubine to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Concubine with Cho Yeo-jeong, Kim Dong-wook, Kim Min-jun & Park Ji-young & created by Dae-seung Kim?

Movies like The Concubine with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Concubine?

A tragic love triangle story between Hwa-Yeon, a daughter of a nobleman, her true love Kwon-Yoo, a servant and the man who will be King, Prince Sungwon.
Its release date is Wednesday June 6, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 15th Century, Concubine, Eunuch, Joseon Dynasty, Palace, Period Drama & Political Intrigue 
Genre Drama
Country South Korea
Director Dae-seung Kim
Starring Cho Yeo-jeong, Kim Dong-wook, Kim Min-jun & Park Ji-young
Place Joseon Dynasty
Written by Dae-seung Kim, Mi-jung Kim & Yoon-Jung Hwang
Runtime 122 min

Other Drama movies by Dae-seung Kim

The Magician | Dec 30th, 2015

The Magician
6.1/10 | By Dae-seung Kim
South Korea | Drama, Fantasy & Romance
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Starz