Movies like The Delta Force to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Thriller movie The Delta Force with Chuck Norris, Lee Marvin, Martin Balsam & Shelley Winters & created by Menahem Golan?

Movies like The Delta Force with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Delta Force?

After a plane is hijacked by terrorists, The Delta Force is sent in to resolve the crisis.

TAGLINE: "They don't negotiate with terrorists... they blow them away!"

Its release date is Friday February 14, 1986

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Aircraft Hijackings, Airplane Hijacking, Covert Operation, Delta Force, Iranophobia, Islamic Terrorism Fiction, Terrorism & Terrorist
Genre Action, Adventure & Thriller
Country Israel
Director Menahem Golan
Starring Chuck Norris, Lee Marvin, Martin Balsam & Shelley Winters
Time 1985
Location Israel
Written by James Bruner & Menahem Golan
Runtime 125 min

Other Action movies by Menahem Golan

Over the Top | Feb 13th, 1987

Over the Top
5.8/10 | By Menahem Golan
United States of America | Action & Drama
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Other Action movies written by James Bruner