Movies like The Expendables 3 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Thriller movie The Expendables 3 with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Harrison Ford, Jason Statham & Sylvester Stallone & created by Patrick Hughes?

Movies like The Expendables 3 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Expendables 3?

Barney augments his team with new blood for a personal battle: to take down Conrad Stonebanks, the Expendables co-founder and notorious arms trader who is hell bent on wiping out Barney and every single one of his associates.

TAGLINE: "New team. New attitude. New mission."

Its release date is Monday August 4, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Arms Dealer, Battle, Hospital, Rescue mission, Revenge, Revolver, Sequel, Sledgehammer, Terrorism & The CIA
Genre Action, Adventure & Thriller
Country France & The United States
Director Patrick Hughes
Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Harrison Ford, Jason Statham & Sylvester Stallone
Place Bucharest, Location, Moscow & Somalia
Location Bulgaria
Written by Creighton Rothenberger (screenplay), Dave Callaham (characters), Katrin Benedikt (screenplay), Sylvester Stallone (screenplay) & Sylvester Stallone (story)
Cinematography Peter Menzies Jr.
Music Brian Tyler (composer)
Runtime 126 min

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