Movies like The Grim Reaper to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie The Grim Reaper with Carlotta Barilli, Clorinda Celani, Lorenza Benedetti & Vincenzo Ciccora & created by Bernardo Bertolucci?
Movies like The Grim Reaper with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Grim Reaper?
Near the Tiber river, in a Roman park, a prostitute was killed. The police tracks down people that were inside the park during that night. They are questioned and have to explain why they ...
Its release date is Wednesday September 19, 1962
Its release date is Wednesday September 19, 1962
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Drama, Mystery & Thriller |
Country | Italy |
Director | Bernardo Bertolucci |
Starring | Carlotta Barilli, Clorinda Celani, Lorenza Benedetti & Vincenzo Ciccora |
Place | Rome |
Written by | Bernardo Bertolucci (screenplay), Pier Paolo Pasolini (screenplay), Pier Paolo Pasolini (story) & Sergio Citti (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Giovanni Narzisi |
Music | Piero Piccioni |
Runtime | 88 min |