Movies like The Hot Chick to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Fantasy movie The Hot Chick with Anna Faris, Matthew Lawrence, Rachel McAdams & Rob Schneider & created by Tom Brady & Tom Brady (film director)?

Movies like The Hot Chick with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Hot Chick?

An attractive and popular teenager who is mean-spirited toward others finds herself in the body of an older man, and must find a way to get back to her original body.

TAGLINE: "The hottest chick in town just switched bodies with the luckiest loser in the world."

Its release date is Friday December 13, 2002

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Body Swapping, Friendship, Human Body, Identity, Jewelry, Robbery Fiction, Sex, Sexual identity, Shopping Mall, Teenagers & Thief
Genre Comedy & Fantasy
Country The United States
Director Tom Brady & Tom Brady (film director)
Starring Anna Faris, Matthew Lawrence, Rachel McAdams & Rob Schneider
Location Los Angeles
Written by Rob Schneider & Tom Brady
Cinematography Tim Suhrstedt
Music John Debney
Runtime 104 min

Other Comedy movies by Tom Brady

Other Comedy movies written by Rob Schneider