Movies like The Hundred-Foot Journey to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Hundred-Foot Journey with Charlotte Le Bon, Helen Mirren, Manish Dayal & Om Puri & created by Lasse Hallström?

Movies like The Hundred-Foot Journey with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Hundred-Foot Journey?

The Kadam family leaves India for France where they open a restaurant directly across the road from Madame Mallory's Michelin-starred eatery.

TAGLINE: "Life's greatest journey begins with the first step."

Its release date is Wednesday August 6, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic based on novel, Family, Food Drink, France, Indian Lead & Restaurant
Genre Drama
Country India & The United States
Director Lasse Hallström
Starring Charlotte Le Bon, Helen Mirren, Manish Dayal & Om Puri
Place France, London & Mumbai
Location Foreign India, France & India
Written by Richard C. Morais (novel) & Steven Knight (screenplay by)
Cinematography Linus Sandgren
Music A.R.Rahman
Runtime 122 min

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