Movies like The Late Bloomer to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie The Late Bloomer with Brittany Snow, J.K. Simmons, Jane Lynch & Johnny Simmons & created by Kevin Pollak?
Movies like The Late Bloomer with the highest similarity score
TAGLINE: "Based on the (Mostly) True Story of the 30-Year-old Who Just Hit Puberty."
Its release date is Friday October 7, 2016
What similar themes are we looking for?
Adultery, Based On Novel Or Book, Diseases, Love, Puberty, Relationship & Virginity
Comedy, Drama & Romance
United States of America
Kevin Pollak
Brittany Snow, J.K. Simmons, Jane Lynch & Johnny Simmons
Bulgaria & Los Angeles
Written by
Austyn Jeffs (screenplay by), Gary Rosen (story by), Joe Nussbaum (screenplay by), Joe Nussbaum (story by), Ken Baker (based on the book "Man Made: A Memoir of My Body" by), Kyle Cooper (screenplay by), Mark Torgove (screenplay by) & Paul A. Kaplan (screenplay by)
90 min