Movies like The Late Bloomer to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie The Late Bloomer with Brittany Snow, J.K. Simmons, Jane Lynch & Johnny Simmons & created by Kevin Pollak?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Late Bloomer?

The story of an adult male who, after the successful removal of a benign tumor resting against his pituitary gland, experiences all the changes and effects of puberty over a three-week period.

TAGLINE: "Based on the (Mostly) True Story of the 30-Year-old Who Just Hit Puberty."

Its release date is Friday October 7, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adultery, Based On Novel Or Book, Diseases, Love, Puberty, Relationship & Virginity
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country United States of America
Director Kevin Pollak
Starring Brittany Snow, J.K. Simmons, Jane Lynch & Johnny Simmons
Location Bulgaria & Los Angeles
Written by Austyn Jeffs (screenplay by), Gary Rosen (story by), Joe Nussbaum (screenplay by), Joe Nussbaum (story by), Ken Baker (based on the book "Man Made: A Memoir of My Body" by), Kyle Cooper (screenplay by), Mark Torgove (screenplay by) & Paul A. Kaplan (screenplay by)
Runtime 90 min