Movies like The Monster Project to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Horror movie The Monster Project with Jim Storm, Justin Bruening, Toby Hemingway & Yvonne Zima & created by Victor Mathieu?

Movies like The Monster Project with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Monster Project?

A recovering drug addict takes a job with a documentary crew who plans to interview three subjects who claim to be real life monsters.

TAGLINE: "Do You Believe in Monsters?"

Its release date is Friday August 18, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Demon, Extraterrestrial Life, Handheld Camera, Vampire & Werewolf
Genre Action & Horror
Country United States of America
Director Victor Mathieu
Starring Jim Storm, Justin Bruening, Toby Hemingway & Yvonne Zima
Place Future
Time 2040s
Written by Corbin Billings (screenplay by), Shariya Lynn (screenplay by), Shariya Lynn (story by), Victor Mathieu (screenplay by) & Victor Mathieu (story by)
Music Takayuki Hattori
Runtime 95 min