Movies like The Pit and the Pendulum to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Mystery & Thriller movie The Pit and the Pendulum with Antony Carbone, John Kerr, Luana Anders & Vincent Price & created by Roger Corman?

Movies like The Pit and the Pendulum with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Pit and the Pendulum?

In the sixteenth century, Francis Barnard travels to Spain to clarify the strange circumstances of his sister's death after she had married the son of a cruel Spanish Inquisitor.

TAGLINE: "Betrayal cuts both ways!"

Its release date is Saturday August 12, 1961

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Buried Alive, Castle, Fratricide Fiction, Gothic Horror, Inquisition, Insanity, Secret Door, Spain, Supernatural & Uxoricide Fiction
Genre Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Roger Corman
Starring Antony Carbone, John Kerr, Luana Anders & Vincent Price
Place Country Houses & Spain
Time 16th century
Written by Edgar Allan Poe (story "The Pit and the Pendulum") & Richard Matheson (screenplay)
Cinematography Floyd Crosby
Music Les Baxter
Runtime 80 min

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