Movies like The Prom to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie The Prom with Evgeniya Lyutaia, Kristina Isaykina, Sergey Burunov & Viktor Grudev & created by Michael Felsher & Vsevolod Brodskiy?

Movies like The Prom with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Prom?

A all-new documentary of the making of Prom Night.
Its release date is Thursday October 9, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Children, Mass Murder, Proms, Psychopaths & Twins
Genre Comedy
Country Russia
Director Michael Felsher & Vsevolod Brodskiy
Starring Evgeniya Lyutaia, Kristina Isaykina, Sergey Burunov & Viktor Grudev
Place Michigan
Time 1974
Location Los Angeles & Toronto
Written by Aleksandr Baldin, Anton Babaev, Julia Klimenko (story editor), N/A, Nataliya Tkachenko, Sergey Svetlakov & Timofey Zaytsev
Cinematography Byron Shah & Robert C. New
Music * Carl Zittrer * & Deborah Lurie
Runtime 41 min