Movies like The Purge: Election Year to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Horror & Thriller movie The Purge: Election Year with Edwin Hodge, Elizabeth Mitchell, Frank Grillo & Mykelti Williamson & created by James DeMonaco?

Movies like The Purge: Election Year with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Purge: Election Year?

Former Police Sergeant Barnes becomes head of security for Senator Charlie Roan, a Presidential candidate targeted for death on Purge night due to her vow to eliminate the Purge.

TAGLINE: "Keep America great"

Its release date is Wednesday June 29, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Death Games Fiction, Dystopia, Elections, Legalized Murder, Nazism Fiction & Sequel
Genre Action, Horror & Thriller
Country France & The United States
Director James DeMonaco
Starring Edwin Hodge, Elizabeth Mitchell, Frank Grillo & Mykelti Williamson
Place D.C. & Washington
Time 2022 & 2040
Location Rhode Island
Written by James DeMonaco
Cinematography Jacques Jouffret
Music Nathan Whitehead
Runtime 108 min

Other Action movies by James DeMonaco

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Staten Island
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Other Action movies written by James DeMonaco

Skinwalkers | Mar 20th, 2006

4.6/10 | By James Isaac
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The Purge 5 | Jun 30th, 2021

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5.4/10 | By Everardo Gout
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The Negotiator | Jul 29th, 1998

The Negotiator
7.3/10 | By F. Gary Gray
Germany & The United States | Action, Adventure, Crime & Drama
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