Movies like The Pursuit of Happyness to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Pursuit of Happyness with Brian Howe, Jaden Smith, Thandie Newton & Will Smith & created by Gabriele Muccino?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Pursuit of Happyness?
A struggling salesman takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional career.
Its release date is Thursday December 14, 2006
Its release date is Thursday December 14, 2006
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Bus, Children, Church Service, Homeless Person, Homelessness, San Francisco, Single Parent, Work & Worker |
Genre | Drama |
Country | The United States |
Director | Gabriele Muccino |
Starring | Brian Howe, Jaden Smith, Thandie Newton & Will Smith |
Place | San Francisco & San Francisco Bay Area |
Time | 1981 |
Location | San Francisco |
Written by | Steve Conrad |
Cinematography | Phedon Papamichael |
Music | Alexandre Desplat & Andrea Guerra (composer) |
Runtime | 117 min |