Movies like The Signal to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie The Signal with AJ Bowen, Anessa Ramsey, Justin Welborn & Scott Poythress & created by Dan Bush, David Bruckner, Jacob Gentry & William Eubank?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Signal?
On a road trip, Nic and two friends are drawn to an isolated area by a computer genius. When everything suddenly goes dark, Nic regains consciousness - only to find himself in a waking nightmare.
Its release date is Thursday February 22, 2007
On a road trip, Nic and two friends are drawn to an isolated area by a computer genius. When everything suddenly goes dark, Nic regains consciousness - only to find himself in a waking nightmare.
TAGLINE: "This is not a test."
Its release date is Thursday February 22, 2007
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Action, Couples, Disability, Friendship, Mind Control Fiction & Virtual Reality |
Genre | Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller |
Country | The United States |
Director | Dan Bush, David Bruckner, Jacob Gentry & William Eubank |
Starring | AJ Bowen, Anessa Ramsey, Justin Welborn & Scott Poythress |
Time | 2015 |
Location | New Mexico & Ohio |
Written by | Carlyle Eubank, Dan Bush (screenplay), David Bruckner (screenplay), David Frigerio, Jacob Gentry (screenplay) & William Eubank |
Cinematography | David Lanzenberg |
Music | Ben Lovett & Nima Fakhrara |
Runtime | 97 min |