Movies like The Stroker to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie The Stroker with Iona Roisin, Manos Koutsis, Matthew Moorhouse & Pilvi Takala?

Movies like The Stroker with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Stroker?

The Stroker refers to the nickname Pilvi Takala received during her two week intervention at Second Home, a trendy co-working space in East London. She went around lightly touching people as part of a cutting-edge well-being programme. The nuances of movements and looks demonstrate how people negotiate 'acceptable behaviour' in the workspace.
Its release date is Friday October 4, 2019

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Country Finland
Starring Iona Roisin, Manos Koutsis, Matthew Moorhouse & Pilvi Takala