Movies like The Swan Princess to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation, Family & Fantasy movie The Swan Princess with Howard McGillin, Jack Palance, John Cleese & Michelle Nicastro & created by Richard Rich?

Movies like The Swan Princess with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Swan Princess?

A power hungry sorcerer transforms a princess into a swan by day in this tale of everlasting love.

TAGLINE: "An enchanting classic destined to capture your heart and free your spirit."

Its release date is Friday November 18, 1994

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animated Birds, Balls (dance Party), Princess, Royalty, Shapeshifting, Swan & Witchcraft
Genre Animation, Family & Fantasy
Country The United States
Director Richard Rich
Starring Howard McGillin, Jack Palance, John Cleese & Michelle Nicastro
Place European Country & Middle Ages
Written by Brian Nissen (screenplay), Brian Nissen (story) & Richard Rich (story)
Music Lex de Azevedo
Runtime 90 min

Other Animation movies by Richard Rich

Other Animation movies written by Brian Nissen (screenplay)