Movies like The United States vs. Billie Holiday to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Music movie The United States vs. Billie Holiday with Andra Day, Garrett Hedlund, Melvin Gregg & Trevante Rhodes & created by Lee Daniels?

Movies like The United States vs. Billie Holiday with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The United States vs. Billie Holiday?

Follows Holiday during her career as she is targeted by the Federal Department of Narcotics with an undercover sting operation led by black Federal Agent Jimmy Fletcher, with whom she had a tumultuous affair.

TAGLINE: "Her voice would not be silenced."

Its release date is Friday February 26, 2021

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Billie Holiday, Biography, Jazz Singer Or Musician, Louisiana & New Orleans
Genre Drama & Music
Country United States of America
Director Lee Daniels
Starring Andra Day, Garrett Hedlund, Melvin Gregg & Trevante Rhodes
Location Montreal
Written by Johann Hari (based upon the novel by), Suzan-Lori Parks & Suzan-Lori Parks (Screenplay)
Runtime N/A

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