Movies like The Whole Ten Yards to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Crime & Thriller movie The Whole Ten Yards with Amanda Peet, Bruce Willis, Kevin Pollak & Matthew Perry & created by Howard Deutch?

Movies like The Whole Ten Yards with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Whole Ten Yards?

Jimmy the Tulip's (Willis) quiet new life is shaken up by his old pal Oz (Perry), whose wife (Henstridge) has been kidnapped by a Hungarian mob. The Tulip and his wife Jill (Peet) spring into action.

TAGLINE: "They missed each other. This time, their aim is better."

Its release date is Wednesday April 7, 2004

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Dentistry & Hitman
Genre Comedy, Crime & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Howard Deutch
Starring Amanda Peet, Bruce Willis, Kevin Pollak & Matthew Perry
Written by George Gallo (screenplay), Mitchell Kapner (characters) & Mitchell Kapner (story)
Cinematography Neil Roach
Music John Debney
Runtime 98 min

Other Comedy movies by Howard Deutch

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The Replacements
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Grumpier Old Men | Dec 22nd, 1995

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Pretty in Pink | Feb 28th, 1986

Pretty in Pink
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