Movies like The Wings of the Dove to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie The Wings of the Dove with Alex Jennings, Charlotte Rampling, Helena Bonham Carter & Linus Roache & created by Iain Softley?

Movies like The Wings of the Dove with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Wings of the Dove?

An impoverished woman who has been forced to choose between a privileged life with her wealthy aunt and her journalist lover, befriends an American heiress. When she discovers the heiress is attracted to her own lover and is dying, she sees a chance to have both the privileged life she cannot give up and the lover she cannot live without.

TAGLINE: "A couple with everything but money. An heiress with everything but love. A temptation no one could resist."

Its release date is Friday November 7, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 1910s, Based On Book, based on novel, British High Society, Forbidden Love, Independent Film, London England & Privileged Life
Genre Drama & Romance
Country United Kingdom
Director Iain Softley
Starring Alex Jennings, Charlotte Rampling, Helena Bonham Carter & Linus Roache
Place London & Venice
Time 1910s
Written by Henry James (novel) & Hossein Amini (screenplay)
Cinematography Eduardo Serra
Music Edward Shearmur
Runtime 102 min

Other Drama movies by Iain Softley

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K-PAX | Oct 22nd, 2001

7.4/10 | By Iain Softley
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Other Drama movies written by Henry James (novel)

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The Golden Bowl
6.0/10 | By James Ivory
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The American | Dec 26th, 1998

The American
6.3/10 | By Paul Unwin
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video