Movies like The Witches to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Fantasy & Horror movie The Witches with Anjelica Huston, Jasen Fisher, Mai Zetterling & Rowan Atkinson & created by Nicolas Roeg?

Movies like The Witches with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Witches?

A young boy stumbles onto a witch convention and must stop them, even after he has been turned into a mouse.

TAGLINE: "Saving the world from witches is a tall order for a boy they've turned into a mouse!"

Its release date is Friday May 25, 1990

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bald, Based On Children's Book, Chocolate, Grandparent Grandchild Relationship, Hotel, Mouse, Orphans, Seaside, Witch & Witchcraft
Genre Adventure, Fantasy & Horror
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director Nicolas Roeg
Starring Anjelica Huston, Jasen Fisher, Mai Zetterling & Rowan Atkinson
Place Cornwall, Hotels & Norway
Location England & Norway
Written by Allan Scott (screenplay) & Roald Dahl (book)
Cinematography Harvey Harrison
Music Michael Convertino & Stanley Myers
Runtime 91 min

Other Adventure movies by Nicolas Roeg

Castaway | Mar 5th, 1986

8.1/10 | By Hae-jun Lee & Nicolas Roeg
United Kingdom | Adventure & Drama
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