Movies like Think like a man to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Think like a man with Jerry Ferrara, Meagan Good, Michael Ealy & Regina Hall & created by Tim Story?

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Four friends conspire to turn the tables on their women when they discover the ladies have been using Steve Harvey's relationship advice against them.

TAGLINE: "Let the mind games begin."

Its release date is Monday April 16, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Advice, African American Comedy, Dating & Relationships, Duringcreditsstinger, Ensemble Cast, Interracial Romance, Love, Reading A Book, Relationship & Turning The Tables
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Tim Story
Starring Jerry Ferrara, Meagan Good, Michael Ealy & Regina Hall
Place Los Angeles
Written by David A. Newman (screenplay), Keith Merryman (screenplay) & Steve Harvey (book)
Cinematography Larry Blanford
Music Christopher Lennertz
Runtime 122 min

Other Comedy movies by Tim Story

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Kevin Hart: What Now?
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6.3/10 | By Tim Story
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Other Comedy movies written by David A. Newman (screenplay)