Movies like Thirst to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Horror & Thriller movie Thirst with Kim Hae-sook, Kim Ok-vin, Shin Ha-kyun & Song Kang-ho & created by Chan-wook Park?

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Through a failed medical experiment, a priest is stricken with vampirism and is forced to abandon his ascetic ways.

TAGLINE: "Lusting after sinful pleasures."

Its release date is Thursday April 30, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adultery, Blood Transfusion, Catholic Guilt, Catholic Priests, Childhood Friends, Confessional, infectious diseases, Jumping Off A Building, Lesion, Self Mutilation & Vampires
Genre Drama, Horror & Thriller
Country South Korea
Director Chan-wook Park
Starring Kim Hae-sook, Kim Ok-vin, Shin Ha-kyun & Song Kang-ho
Written by Chan-wook Park (screenplay by), Émile Zola (inspired by "Thérèse Raquin") & Seo-kyeong Jeong (screenplay by)
Cinematography Chung Chung hoon
Music Jo Yeong wook
Runtime 135 min

Other Drama movies by Chan-wook Park

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8.4/10 | By Chan-wook Park, Park Chan wook & Spike Lee
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Joint Security Area | Sep 9th, 2000

Joint Security Area
7.9/10 | By Chan-wook Park & Park Chan wook
South Korea | Drama, Thriller & War
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