Movies like Thunderbirds to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Comedy movie Thunderbirds with Brady Corbet, Debora Weston, Lou Hirsch & Soren Fulton & created by Jonathan Frakes?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Thunderbirds?
When The Hood finds and invades International Rescue's secret base and traps most of the Tracy family, only young Alan Tracy and his friends can save the day.
Its release date is Friday July 23, 2004
Its release date is Friday July 23, 2004
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Based On Tv Series, Golden Gate Bridge, Locker, Oil Rig , Secret Organization, Soaked Clothes, Teenage Hero & Thunderbirds |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Comedy |
Country | United Kingdom |
Director | Jonathan Frakes |
Starring | Brady Corbet, Debora Weston, Lou Hirsch & Soren Fulton |
Place | England, London, Massachusetts, Pacific Ocean, San Francisco & Singapore |
Location | London |
Written by | Gerry Anderson (television series), Michael McCullers (screenplay), Peter Hewitt (story), Sylvia Anderson (television series), William Osborne (screenplay) & William Osborne (story) |
Runtime | 95 min |