Movies like To Kill Alice to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie To Kill Alice with Park Geun-hye?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of To Kill Alice?

Eunmi, a woman who underwent intense anticommunist education up as she grew up in South Korea, lives a normal life in America. However, after going on a trip to North Korea with her husband, her life begins to change. During a open forum event in South Korea taht she was invited to speak at, she suffers the unimaginable and the more she tries to escape from the situation, the worse and worse ot gets.
Its release date is Thursday August 8, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Demons, Giants, Korea, North Korea, Red Scare, Vampires & Witchcraft
Genre Documentary
Country South Korea
Starring Park Geun-hye
Place Scotland
Location Bulgaria & England