Movies like Transylvania 6-5000 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation, Comedy & Horror movie Transylvania 6-5000 with Ben Frommer, Julie Bennett & Mel Blanc & created by Chuck Jones & Maurice Noble?

Movies like Transylvania 6-5000 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Transylvania 6-5000?

Bugs is given a room for the night at the castle of Count Bloodcount in Transylvania.
Its release date is Saturday November 30, 1963

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animals, Animated Animals, Cartoon, Rabbits Hares & Shapeshifting Fiction
Genre Animation, Comedy & Horror
Country The United States
Director Chuck Jones & Maurice Noble
Starring Ben Frommer, Julie Bennett & Mel Blanc
Place Transylvania
Written by John W. Dunn (story)
Runtime 7 min

Other Animation movies by Chuck Jones

Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century
8.1/10 | By Chuck Jones
United States of America | Animation, Comedy & Science Fiction
No streaming sources available just yet

Duck! Rabbit, Duck! | Oct 3rd, 1953

Duck! Rabbit, Duck!
8.2/10 | By Chuck Jones
The United States | Animation
No streaming sources available just yet