Movies like Tribes to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Tribes with Aina Dumlao, Galen Howard, Jason Stuart & Pamela Shaddock?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tribes?

Tribes tells the story of an African American, an Arab-American and a white guy who try to rob a subway wagon. Because none of them wants to rob people of their own race, it sets them off to a series of arguments over self-identity. This leads the would-be bandits to continually divide the passengers into various ethnic, cultural and economic subgroups in an effort to find a class of people that none of them identify with - a group they can feel good about robbing. When the train arrives at the next station, no one expects that the situation would be reversed. Self-identity is truly a bitch.
Its release date is Thursday January 23, 2020

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Genre Comedy
Country United States of America
Starring Aina Dumlao, Galen Howard, Jason Stuart & Pamela Shaddock
Place Deserts & Future
Location Budapest & Jordan