Movies like Viceroy’s House to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & History movie Viceroy’s House with Gillian Anderson, Hugh Bonneville, Manish Dayal & Michael Gambon & created by Gurinder Chadha?

Movies like Viceroy’s House with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Viceroy’s House?

The final Viceroy of India, Lord Mountbatten, is tasked with overseeing the transition of British India to independence, but meets with conflict as different sides clash in the face of monumental change.

TAGLINE: "The end of an empire. The birth of two nations."

Its release date is Friday March 3, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Colonial India, Independence, Partition Of India Fiction & Religious Conflict
Genre Drama & History
Country India
Director Gurinder Chadha
Starring Gillian Anderson, Hugh Bonneville, Manish Dayal & Michael Gambon
Place British Raj, Delhi, Indian Independence Movement & Partition Of India
Time 1947
Location Rajasthan
Written by Dominique Lapierre (based on the book "Freedom at Midnight" by), Gurinder Chadha (screenplay by), Larry Collins (based on the book "Freedom at Midnight" by), Moira Buffini (screenplay by), Narendra Singh Sarila (based on the book "The Shadow of the Great Game - The Untold Story of Partition" by) & Paul Mayeda Berges (screenplay by)
Cinematography Ben Smithard
Music A.R.Rahman
Runtime 106 min

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